Poet-in-Residence, Mountains to Sea, Dun Laoghaire Friday 27th March – Sunday 29th March
As poet-in residence at this year’s Mountains to Sea Festival in Dun Laoghaire, I’ll be doing various events as well as soaking up the atmosphere, ideas and words in order to write a piece about and for the Festival.
Poetry Workshop Friday March 27th 2pm dlr LexIcon . Come along to a workshop packed with exercises to get you writing new poems and ideas for redrafting ones that aren’t quite working. Book here http://mountainstosea.ie/events/poetry-workshop-with-nell-regan
Saturday March 28th Thomas Mc Carthy’s Poetry Hour dlr LexIcon. I’m delighted to be hosting a reading by the incomparable Thomas McCarthy with Rachel Mann, Ned Denny. More info and booking https://mountainstosea.ie/events/thomas-mccarthys-poetry-hour-hosted-by-nell-regan
Sunday March 29th 2.30pm dlr LexIcon Join myself and Philip Marsden for a conversation about his new book The Summer Isles: A Voyage of the Imagination. More info and booking https://mountainstosea.ie/events/the-summer-isles-a-voyage-of-the-imagination