Literary programmer

Nell Regan is an experienced literary programmer and has also produced international reading tours. She is available to develop programmes for arts centres, Festivals as well as one off events. Contact preparingforpspring[at] for more information.

  • Féile LonDubh with a view to expanding the Festival for 2018.
  • Guest curator dlr lexicon . As part of One City One Book 2016 Nell programmed several events in dlrlexicon including ’16 in 16,  an evening …….
  • As Artistic Director of the West Cork Literary Festival WCLF 2014, Nell programmed over 60 events for adults and children as well as an extensive workshop programme. International authors included Ben Okri, Anne Michaels, Alberto Manguel, Blake Morrison, Karen Joy Fowler and  Johnathan Miller while Irish writers from Jennifer Johnston, Hugo Hamilton, Audrey Magee, Eimear MacBride,  Louise O’Neill Nick Laird and Vona Groarke. The Festival was a box office and critical success.