Mountains to Sea 2020, Poet-in-Residence

Poet-in-Residence, Mountains to Sea, Dun Laoghaire Friday 27th March – Sunday 29th March

As poet-in residence at this year’s Mountains to Sea Festival in Dun Laoghaire, I’ll be doing various events as well as soaking up the atmosphere, ideas and words in order to write a piece about and for the Festival.


Poetry Workshop Friday March 27th 2pm dlr LexIcon . Come along to a workshop packed with exercises to get you writing new poems and ideas for redrafting ones that aren’t quite working. Book here

Saturday March 28th Thomas Mc Carthy’s Poetry Hour  dlr LexIcon.  I’m delighted to be hosting a reading by the incomparable Thomas McCarthy with Rachel Mann,  Ned Denny. More info and booking

Sunday March 29th 2.30pm dlr LexIcon  Join myself and  Philip Marsden for  a conversation about his new book The Summer Isles: A Voyage of the Imagination. More info and booking